Mrs. Michelle Walling

Bio: I graduated from Bethany College with a Bachelor's of Science in Education with an emphasis in Special Education. I have taught at Hanover for 35 years, all of which have been in 1st and 2nd grade. I am the Junior High volleyball and an assistant JH track coach. My favorite pastimes are relaxing with my indoor cats, reading and crafting. My husband Randy and I enjoy camping, fishing and spending time with family. I really savor the excitement that 1st and 2nd graders bring to the classroom every day. They make teaching and learning very rewarding.

Class Schedule: I am in the classroom everyday from 7:45 - 3:45 at the least. The best time to contact me by phone would be 10:05-10:25, 1:10-1:30 or after school. Of course, emails are accepted anytime.

Contact info: or 337-2281 ext. 223


1st - 2nd Grade Classroom Rules and Expectations

Keep our classroom safe.

Raise your hand to speak or get up.

Listen when someone is talking.

Follow directions quickly.

Respect each other’s space and property.

Keep your dear teacher happy!

Consequences and Rewards

Warning, then a name on the board.

A check mark and miss 5 minutes of recess with a student/teacher conference.

Two check marks, miss 10 minutes of recess, write about what you did wrong and how to correct it.

3 check marks, miss all of recess, visit with the principal and teacher. Write a note to parents about why you missed recess.

**Each day there are no names on the board, the class receives two bonus points to apply toward a movie and snack. Each day a student will get a sticker on an incentive chart which will earn them a prize when filled in. The class can also earn bonus points by getting 100% on any test. When they accumulate 40 points they get a movie party. If they save their points and accumulate 80 points, special pajama parties are also possible.

Class Work and Homework Policy

I expect work to be completed in a timely manner. There is usually time to finish all daily work at school. There will be math homework and reading homework as well as spelling tests to study for. Homework should be turned in the next day. If it is forgotten 1 day, there will be an additional day to turn it in. If it is late 2 days, it will be completed during recess or free time at school. When students return their Reading assignment signed, they receive a sticker for an incentive chart. When this chart is filled they may choose a book from my book box.

Grading Scale

90 - 100 A

80 - 89 B

70 – 79 C

60 – 69 D

59 and below F


Wonders Language Arts

Big Ideas Math

Science Fusion

Zaner-Bloser Handwriting

Harcourt Social Studies